So What If You Didn’t Land Your Dream Job?

You are exactly where you need to be.

Camille Uy
2 min readFeb 11, 2022

I bet you thought you’d easily get your heart’s desires when you were a child — perfect looks, beautiful home and a huge amount of money to spend coming from your dream job. We all thought they would be at the palm of our hands as long as we studied hard and prayed at night.

Whenever you’d answer a slum book from your high school friends, you’d always write down your dream job with pride and excitement, as if you’re so close to reaching it after graduation.

Most of you even pursued a degree that’s closest or related to the job that you’re aiming for when you were younger. As you tried to find and build your identity, you steadily aimed for your goal, and maybe even burned the midnight oil to get good grades or pass your licensure examinations.

Photo by <a href=”">Armand Khoury</a> on <a href=”">Unsplash</a>
Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

But then, life starts happening just after you toss your toga hat in the air. Getting the job you wanted badly turned out to be unbelievably hard, despite sandwiching your CVs with everything you achieved in school. Money didn’t come easily too, so you had to learn how to get by with what you readily have at that time. Time was ticking, and you were getting impatient, so you took on the next available job — whatever it was. Didn’t matter whether you liked it or not, it’s time to start being an adult anyway.

Years have passed. You’ve shifted from one career to another. You’re in your mid 20s, perhaps in your 30s for some, and you’ve probably already found your niche. While your priorities have changed, and maybe you keep on adding to your list, you are happy. Content. Successful in your own way. And that’s what matters.

If you’ve been able to land your dream job, I’m happy for you. If not, I am proud of you!

Proud, because it’s not easy to let go of what you’ve worked so hard for in your younger years and take a different path. But you are where you need to be now, and you’ve done it by yourself. While it’s always good to reminisce about where it all started — your childhood dream, take a good look at where you are now, and what you currently have. Pat yourself at the back. It may not be how you’ve pictured things before, but you’ve earned it. So be proud of yourself and cherish it.



Camille Uy

I write to learn and become better at it, one story at a time.